This Washington City Has Been Named the Fastest Shrinking City in the State

This Washington City Has Been Named the Fastest Shrinking City in the State

Washington State is known for its vibrant and diverse cities, but one of them is experiencing a noticeable decline in its population. According to Travel ALOT, a website that tracks population trends across the country, Federal Way is the fastest-shrinking city in Washington State. What is Federal Way and why is it shrinking? Federal Way is the fifth-largest city in … Read more

California Bill 1840 Paves the Way for Undocumented Homeownership

California Bill 1840 Paves the Way for Undocumented Homeownership

California Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula, a Democrat, introduced Assembly Bill 1840 earlier this year, proposing an alternative pathway for undocumented immigrants to attain homeownership. The bill aims to broaden the eligibility criteria for a state loan program, extending its scope to include undocumented individuals seeking to purchase their first homes. Arambula’s amendment emphasizes that applicants should … Read more

Sierra Nevada Blizzard: Interstate 80 Closed, Ski Resorts Shuttered

Sierra Nevada Blizzard: Interstate 80 Closed, Ski Resorts Shuttered

A fierce blizzard roared through the Sierra Nevada, resulting in the closure of a lengthy section of Interstate 80 in California. Ski resorts were compelled to shut down operations, and tens of thousands of residences experienced power outages. According to National Weather Service meteorologist William Churchill on Saturday, over 10 feet of snow was anticipated … Read more

The Biggest Earthquake In The History Of Michigan That Shut Down The State

Michigan is a state that is relatively isolated from major tectonic activity, but not immune to seismic events. The largest earthquake to ever shake Michigan was a magnitude-4.6 quake that occurred in 1947 near Coldwater. It was the largest quake with an epicenter in Michigan in records dating back about a century, and it caused some damage and disruption in … Read more