Oregon is Crawling With Bed Bugs, 3 Cities Among Most Infested

Bed bugs, those pesky blood-feeding insects, have become an unwelcome guest in many homes, hotels, and other sleeping spaces. Oregon, known for its natural beauty and vibrant cities, is unfortunately grappling with a bed bug problem. According to a recent study by the reputable pest management company Orkin, Oregon ranks among the states where bed bug infestations are most common. Let’s delve into the details and explore why these tiny creatures are causing big headaches for residents.

The Infested Cities

Orkin analyzed data from bed bug treatments performed in 50 cities between January and December of 2023. Here are the three Oregon cities that made the list:

Portland: Ranked at number twelve, Portland has seen its fair share of bed bug incidents. The city’s bustling urban life and frequent travelers contribute to the spread of these pests.

Eugene-Springfield: Coming in at number thirty, Eugene-Springfield faces its own bed bug challenges. The picturesque Willamette Valley may be beautiful, but it’s also an ideal environment for these persistent bugs.

Medford-Klamath Falls: At number forty-five, Medford-Klamath Falls experiences bed bug woes. Tourists passing through or settling in this region inadvertently transport bed bugs, leading to infestations.

Why Are Oregon’s Bed Bugs So Common?

Several factors contribute to the prevalence of bed bugs in Oregon:

Climate: Oregon’s warm and humid climate, especially in the western part of the state, provides an ideal breeding ground for bed bugs. These hardy insects can withstand a wide range of temperatures, from freezing cold to scorching heat, and survive for months without a meal.

Travel: Millions of tourists visit Oregon each year, making it a popular destination. Bed bugs hitch rides on clothing, luggage, and furniture, moving from place to place. Public transit, including buses, trains, and airplanes, can unwittingly transport these pests.

Lack of Awareness: Many people are unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms of bed bug infestations. These elusive bugs hide in crevices, making detection challenging. Sometimes, they are mistaken for other pests, delaying effective eradication.

Preventing and Dealing With Bed Bug Infestations

Taking proactive steps can help prevent and manage bed bug infestations:

Inspect Before You Rest: When checking into a hotel, hostel, or other lodging, closely examine the mattress, box spring, bed frame, headboard, nightstand, sofa, and chairs. Look for live or dead bugs, bloodstains, fecal marks, or shed skins. If you find evidence, request a different room or consider leaving.

Safeguard Your Belongings: Pack your items and luggage in airtight plastic bags or use luggage liners. Keep personal belongings off furniture, beds, and floors. Upon returning home, thoroughly wash your possessions. Consider using a steamer or vacuum to eliminate any lingering bed bugs or eggs.

Report and Inform: If you encounter bed bugs in a hotel or other lodging, promptly notify the local health agency and management. Share your experience on platforms like Yelp, TripAdvisor, or the Bed Bug Registry to alert fellow travelers. In your own home, inform your landlord or property manager and seek professional pest control assistance.


Oregon’s bed bug problem is a shared challenge—one that requires vigilance, education, and swift action. By staying informed and taking preventive measures, we can minimize the impact of these persistent pests. Remember, even paradise has its tiny adversaries, but with awareness and cooperation, we can keep our homes and hotels free from unwanted bedfellows.

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