These 4 Cities in Virginia Are the Most Unsafe, Says a Study.

Virginia, known for its rich history and natural beauty, also faces significant challenges in terms of crime rates and safety concerns. A recent study has shed light on the most dangerous cities in the state, highlighting areas that require special attention to ensure the well-being of residents and visitors alike. This article will explore the four cities in Virginia that have been identified as the most unsafe, focusing on Portsmouth, Emporia, Galax, and South Boston.

Portsmouth: High Rate of Property Crime

Portsmouth is the most dangerous city in Virginia. Located across the Elizabeth River from Norfolk, it has a population of 97,915 and a very high violent crime rate. The crime rate in Portsmouth is 228% higher than the state average, meaning residents have a 1 in 19 chance of being a crime victim. In 2022, there were 4,429 crimes, including 36 murders, 138 robberies, 529 assaults, and 3,007 thefts.

Emporia: High Crime Rate Compared to National Average

Emporia is considered one of the worst cities in Virginia because of its high crime rates. Located in Greensville County, it has a population of 5,766. Emporia’s crime rate is 4,203 per 100,000 people, which is 61% higher than the national average. In 2022, there were 166 crimes reported, including 22 violent crimes and 144 property crimes. The most common crimes are assault, burglary, and theft.

Galax: High Rate of Violent Crime

Galax, a town in southwestern Virginia near the Appalachian Foothills, is known for its high crime rate. With a population of 6,720, the crime rate is 3,768 per 100,000 people, meaning residents have a 1 in 27 chance of becoming a crime victim. In 2022, Galax had no murders but reported nine assaults, 25 burglaries, 187 thefts, and 22 motor vehicle thefts. Given its small size, Galax is considered a particularly dangerous place.

South Boston: High Rate of Property Crime

South Boston, located in Halifax County, has a population of 7,588. The town faces economic challenges and poverty, with a declining population over the last 20 years. The crime rate is high, with 3,587 crimes per 100,000 people, meaning there’s a 1 in 28 chance of being a crime victim.

What Measures Are Being Taken to Improve Safety in These Cities

Several measures are being taken to improve safety in the cities of Portsmouth, Emporia, Galax, and South Boston:

1. Implementing smart surveillance systems to monitor public spaces and detect potential threats. This includes the use of intelligent video cameras and autonomous drones to enhance security.

2. Improving street lighting through the use of smart lighting technology. Well-lit streets can deter criminal activity and improve visibility for pedestrians and motorists.

3. Enhancing traffic management with the help of sensors and data analysis. This allows cities to identify problem areas, optimize traffic flow, and reduce accidents.

4. Designing safer streets that prioritize pedestrians and cyclists. This includes measures such as creating dedicated spaces for pedestrians, slowing down traffic, and providing a connected network of bike lanes.

5. Using data and mapping tools to detect high-risk areas and target safety interventions. By analyzing traffic crash data, cities can identify problem locations and develop tailored solutions.

6. Installing retroreflective signs and road markings to improve visibility and safety for motorists and pedestrians. This is particularly important at junctions, intersections, and public transportation lanes.

7. Implementing smart governance and community engagement to address safety concerns holistically. This involves collaboration between local authorities, law enforcement, and residents to identify and address safety issues.

By adopting a comprehensive approach that combines technology, infrastructure improvements, and community engagement, these cities aim to enhance public safety and reduce crime rates.


The four cities in Virginia identified as the most unsafe—Portsmouth, Emporia, Galax, and South Boston—face significant challenges in terms of crime rates and safety concerns. These cities require targeted efforts to address these issues, including enhanced community policing, improved security measures, and community-based initiatives. By understanding the specific challenges faced by each city, policymakers and community leaders can work together to create safer and more secure environments for residents and visitors alike.

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