This Town in New Jersey State Takes the Crown for Most Violent

Camden, New Jersey, has garnered a notorious reputation for being one of the most violent towns in the state. Recent data paints a grim picture of the crime situation in Camden, highlighting the challenges faced by residents and law enforcement in combating crime effectively.

What is the Current Crime Rate in Camden

The current crime rate in Camden, New Jersey, is 569.3, according to This crime rate is 2.2 times higher than the U.S. average and is higher than in 98.1% of U.S. cities.

The crime rate in Camden has seen a decrease of 10% compared to the previous year, with a total of 23 homicides reported in the most recent data available. Additionally, the violent crime rate in Camden is 886.1, significantly higher than the U.S. average of 228.3, indicating the challenges faced by the town in combating crime.

What is the Trend in Crime Rate in Camden Over the Past Decade

Over the past decade, the trend in the crime rate in Camden has shown a significant decrease, particularly in violent crimes. Homicides, which peaked at 67 in 2012, have fallen dramatically since then.

The city has experienced a substantial reduction in murder and violent crime numbers, with this year on pace to match the previous year when 23 people were killed. This positive trend stands in contrast to the national scenario, where the murder rate has been climbing.

The focus on community policing in Camden, with a transition in 2013 that led to a countywide department and increased community engagement, has been credited for this turnaround. The efforts in Camden have resulted in a decrease in homicides and violent crimes, showcasing a notable improvement in the town’s overall safety and crime rates over the past decade.

What Measures Are Being Taken to Reduce Crime in Camden

Measures to reduce crime in Camden, New Jersey, have been multifaceted and innovative, aiming to address the town’s high crime rates effectively. Some key measures include:

Community Policing Reforms: The Camden County Police Department implemented community policing reforms, emphasizing officers’ engagement with the community through foot patrols, neighborhood introductions, and community events. This approach focuses on building trust, de-escalating confrontations, and reducing the use of force.

Crime Analysis and Incident Reporting: The Camden County Police Department uses reports of crime incidents as a measure for crime reduction rather than focusing solely on arrest totals or percent changes in arrests. This data-driven approach helps in understanding crime patterns and trends for more effective interventions.

Targeted Crime Prevention Efforts: Recognizing that different neighborhoods in Camden have varying safety levels, there is an emphasis on targeted crime prevention efforts tailored to specific areas. This approach aims to address the root causes of crime and enhance safety in communities with higher crime rates.

Engagement with Community Organizations: Initiatives like Cure4Camden involve community organizations that work to provide alternatives to gang life for disadvantaged youth. These organizations engage with at-risk individuals, offering support in finding employment or education while discouraging criminal activities.

Training in De-escalation and Community Engagement: Officers in Camden undergo training to de-escalate confrontations and engage positively with residents. By fostering relationships within the community, officers aim to prevent crimes before they occur and build a safer environment for all residents.

Economic Support and Opportunities: Addressing economic stress through providing support for individuals and families facing financial challenges can help reduce crime rates associated with poverty-related issues. By improving economic opportunities and reducing financial strain, the likelihood of criminal activities may decrease.

These measures collectively reflect a comprehensive strategy to combat crime in Camden by not only focusing on law enforcement but also on community engagement, data analysis, targeted interventions, and addressing underlying socio-economic factors contributing to criminal activities.


In conclusion, Camden, New Jersey, stands out as one of the most violent towns in the state, grappling with high rates of violent and property crimes. The recent data underscores the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address crime, enhance community safety, and improve the quality of life for residents. Efforts from law enforcement, community engagement initiatives, and targeted crime prevention measures are crucial in tackling the complex challenges faced by Camden.This article sheds light on the pressing issue of crime in Camden, highlighting the town’s struggle with violence and the imperative need for collaborative efforts to create a safer environment for its residents.

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