America’s #1 Most Dangerous Small Town is in Tennessee.

According to recent crime data, the small town of Crossville, Tennessee has the dubious distinction of being the most dangerous community of its size in the United States.

The numbers are staggering. Crossville, with a population of just 12,470, has a combined violent and property crime rate that is one of the highest in the nation, even when compared to much larger cities. In fact, the city’s overall crime rate is 43% higher than the state average.

Violent Crime Rates Soar

When it comes to violent offenses, Crossville fares particularly poorly. The city’s violent crime rate of 361 incidents per 100,000 residents is actually below the national average. However, a deeper look at the data reveals some alarming trends.

Aggravated assault is by far the most common violent crime, with a rate of 223 per 100,000 people – significantly higher than the national average of 250. The city also suffers from high rates of rape, with 137 incidents per 100,000 residents, compared to just 43 nationwide. Tragically, while there were 16,425 murders across the U.S. in 2019, Crossville reported none.

Property Crimes Dominate

The vast majority of crimes committed in Crossville are property offenses, accounting for 92% of all reported incidents. This is significantly higher than the national average of 85%.

Larceny is the most prevalent property crime, with a staggering rate of 3,264 per 100,000 people – more than double the U.S. average of 1,550. [4] Burglaries and motor vehicle thefts are also major problems, occurring at rates of 756 and 266 per 100,000 residents, respectively, compared to national rates of 341 and 220.

Comparisons to Other Tennessee Cities

When compared to other cities in Tennessee with populations over 5,000, Crossville stands out as an outlier. Its total crime rate is the highest in the state, far exceeding even that of larger urban centers like Memphis.

This alarming trend has not gone unnoticed by local authorities. Crossville Police Chief David Beaty acknowledged the city’s crime issues, stating, “We take these statistics very seriously and are working hard to address the underlying causes and implement strategies to reduce crime in our community.

What Measures Are Being Taken to Reduce Crime in Crossville, Tennessee

The city of Crossville, Tennessee is taking several measures to address its high crime rates:

– The Crossville Police Department is working to implement strategies to reduce crime in the community and address the underlying causes. This includes increased patrols, targeted enforcement in high-crime areas, and partnerships with local organizations.

– Community policing efforts have been ramped up, with officers engaging more with residents through neighborhood meetings, school programs, and social media outreach. The goal is to build trust, gather intelligence, and empower citizens to help prevent and report crimes.

– Crossville is investing in crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles. This involves modifying the physical environment to make it less attractive for criminal activity, such as improving lighting, trimming landscaping, and securing vacant properties.

– Local businesses are being trained on shoplifting prevention techniques, including how to approach and deter potential shoplifters. Merchants are also encouraged to work together and share information about known offenders.

– Victim assistance programs have been expanded to provide support and resources to those impacted by crime. This includes counseling, legal advocacy, and help accessing compensation funds.

– Crossville is collaborating with state and federal law enforcement agencies to target organized crime rings and repeat offenders. This includes participation in task forces and intelligence sharing.

While Crossville still has a long way to go, these proactive measures demonstrate a commitment to public safety and a willingness to try new approaches to reduce crime. Sustained effort and community involvement will be key to making the city safer for all residents.


The data is clear – Crossville, Tennessee has emerged as the most dangerous small town in America. With staggeringly high rates of both violent and property crimes, the community faces significant challenges in maintaining public safety and quality of life. Local leaders must take decisive action to address the root causes of this crisis and restore a sense of security for Crossville’s residents.

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